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This Diwali show that you care for your loved ones by gifting almonds


variety of almonds and nuts

With the festive season at its peak and Diwali just around the corner, your list of to-dos would be just as busy as your social commitments. From decorating the house and preparing festive food, to searching for the most special Puja ki thaali or finding the perfect gifts for your family and friends, there’s a lot that demands your attention. While the celebrations might not be as grand this year due to the ongoing pandemic, Diwali is still an important moment for sharing happiness and love with the family.

With the focus on well-being and safety this year, Diwali can also be an opportunity for you to look out for the health of your loved ones by sharing gifts that will add to their wellness during these unprecedented times. Instead of regular options look at more thoughtful and mindful gifts like handmade diyas or candles, decorative items or clothes made of recycled products or healthy and nutritious foods like Almonds. Almonds are known to be the gift of good health, as they provide a variety of benefits across heart health, diabetes and weight management. In addition, almonds contain immunity supporting nutrients, making them a great food to keep around the house, especially due to the ongoing pandemic.

So this year, celebrate a safe and a healthy Diwali inclusive of all the regular festivities while spending time with the family. Be sure to avoid crackers, hang some fairy lights, decorate diyas, make rangoli to welcome Goddess Lakshmi into your heart and home, but do this while focusing on healthy eating and maintaining social distancing.

Speaking about the importance of looking out for your loved ones this festive season, leading Bollywood actress, Soha Ali Khan, said, “With the festivities abuzz, it’s easy for many of us to get carried away and lose sight of our health. So, this Diwali I’m going to be more mindful of what I gift my near and dear ones. The first item on my list of gifts is almonds as they contain a variety of nutrients including vitamin B2, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, riboflavin etc. which are important to lead a healthy life. Besides this, almonds are known to have immunity supporting nutrients like copper, zinc, folate, iron and vitamin E,  which makes them all the more important to consume especially during the ongoing pandemic.”

According to Well-known Fitness and Celebrity instructor, Yasmin Karachiwala, “With indulgent food items all-around during the festive season, it’s easy to lose count of our calorie intake. Festivals are also the time when weight gain is most common. Counter this, by making sure you don’t skip your daily 30-minute exercise routine – despite everything happening around you. Besides this, make adjustments to the food you eat and serve during the festivities. Almonds are a great food to keep handy during the festive season as they have satiating properties, which promote feelings of fullness in between meals. This also makes them a great gift to share with friends and loved ones as they will help in keeping their weight under control during the festivities.”

Madhuri Ruia, Pilates Expert, and Diet & Nutrition Consultant said, “The festive season is synonymous with celebration, ceremonies, shopping, and of course overconsumption of snacks and sweets. While preparations are in full swing for the good times ahead, evaluate and re-think through the gifts you’ll be exchanging. Instead of sweets or fried treats, share almonds with your friends and family, as they make for a thoughtful gift, which in the long run may add to their health. Besides this, almonds are also known to provide energy, as they are a rich source of vitamin B2, a vitamin known for its role in reducing tiredness and fatigue, making them handy.”

Ritika Samaddar, the Regional Head-Dietetics, Max Healthcare – Delhi, “During Diwali sharing sweets as gifts is a common tradition across Indian households. However, these aren’t best suited for people who are suffering from medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases which are quite common in the country. My suggestion is – instead of sharing sweets which are high in calorie content, and sugar, share almonds instead. Owning to their nutritional value, and diversity of benefits, almonds make for an excellent gift during Diwali. This is all the more true for people who are suffering from Type II diabetes, as research shows that daily consumption of almonds can help in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, may improve blood sugar control and help lower the blood sugar impact of carbohydrate foods, which affects fasting insulin levels1.”

Sheela Krishnaswamy, Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, said, “Due to the ongoing pandemic, for most families across India, Diwali celebrations are likely to be quite different from previous years. While we prepare to adapt to this  new way of celebrating Diwali, the tradition of sharing gifts – virtually or in person is something that will continue. I recommend sharing gifts like almonds, which showcase thoughtfulness and care on the part of the giver, as in the long run, they will add positively to the receiver’s health.  This is especially true for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) as according to a study, regular consumption of almonds, when replaced with other carbohydrate rich snacks, can effectively help in reducing LDL and total cholesterol, thus making a person healthier in the long run2. So be sure to gift almonds this Diwali, to note long term health benefits.”

So, this Diwali, instead of picking up ghee-laden and sugary treats to gift, opt for healthy alternatives, like almonds, which are tasty, crunchy and also promise good health.


Aman Mishra

(+91) 96505 13979                 

Sudarshan Mazumdar

1Josse ARC, Kendall WC, Augustin LSA, Ellis PR, Jenkins DJA. Almonds and postprandial glycemia - a dose-response study. Metabolism, 2007:56(3):400-404.

2Jenkins DJ, Kendall CW, Marchie A, Parker TL, Connelly PW, Qian W, Haight JS, Faulkner D, Vidgen E, Lapsley KG, Spiller GA. Dose response of almonds on coronary heart disease risk factors: blood lipids, oxidized low-density lipoproteins, lipoprotein(a), homocysteine, and pulmonary nitric oxide: a randomized, controlled, crossover trial. Circulation. 2002; 106(11): 1327-32.

Lamarche B, Desroches S, Jenkins DJ, Kendall CW, Marchie A, Faulkner D, Vidgen E, Lapsley KG, Trautwein EA, Parker TL, Josse RG, Leiter LA, Connelly PW. Combined effects of a dietary portfolio of plant sterols, vegetable protein, viscous fibre and almonds on LDL particle size. British Journal of Nutrition 2004; 92(4): 657-63.

Berryman, C.E., A.G. Preston, W. Karmally, R.J. Deckelbaum, P.M. Kris-Etherton. Effects of almond consumption on the reduction of LDL-cholesterol: a discussion of potential mechanisms and future research directions. Nutrition Reviews 2011; 69(4): 171-185.

Berryman CE, West SG, Fleming JA, Bordi PL, Kris-Etherton PM. Effects of daily almond consumption on cardiometabolic risk and abdominal adiposity in healthy adults with elevated LDL cholesterol: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Heart Association 2015; 4:e000993 doi: 10.1161/JAHA.114.000993)

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