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Annual Publications

The Almond Board of California’s Almond Almanac is an annual year-end report that provides a glimpse into what makes up the California almond growing and processing community. Additionally, the Almond Board creates and distributes an annually updated sustainability document called Growing Good.

Almond Almanac
Almond Almanac - 2021

The Almond Almanacis an annual year-end report that provides a glimpse into what makes up the California almond growing and processing community. Published on a crop-year basis (1 August to 31 July), the report provides a compilation of industry statistics, including production, shipment and consumption numbers. It also provides a comprehensive overview of the Almond Board's programs.

Growing Good
Growing Good

Growing Good is an annual Almond Board publication that describes what sustainability means to the California almond industry, highlighting our commitment to stewardship and journey of continuous improvement. The publication includes information on ABC's research programs, California Almond Stewardship Platform and progress made across key areas such as water efficiency, zero waste and pollinator health.